PMG unveils two labels with ‘exciting new format’

Paper Money Guaranty (PMG) is now offering two special labels embracing its recently released fourth-generation holder and label design in a new format.

One label features a waving U.S. flag across the full length of the label, which is bordered by blue holographic foil at the left and red holographic foil at the right.

The second label shows a panoramic view of the Great Wall of China on the entire front side.

“The new PMG labels are the perfect complement to notes from the United States and China, offering an exciting way to enhance their presentation within the new PMG holder,” reads a statement issued by the U.S.-based third-party grading service, which has certified more than five million banknotes since being established in 2005.

“Released earlier this year, the fourth-generation PMG holder boasts a new high-security hologram as well as labels that provide additional space for more detailed note descriptions and larger, more vivid graphics.”

Another recently released special label features a panoramic view of the Great Wall of China on the front side.


Submitters can request one of these special labels for applicable notes for an additional fee of $5 US a note.

To submit for these labels, use a separate submission form for each label type, select “Special Label” on the PMG submission form and enter either “US Flag Label #0172” (available for all U.S. notes) or “Great Wall Label #0173″ (available for all Chinese notes).

Additional special labels will be announced in the future, according to PMG.

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