Exhibitors awarded at World’s Fair of Money

The American Numismatic Association (ANA) presented 49 competitive exhibit awards at the 2017 World’s Fair of Money in Denver, Co., where 39 exhibitors of all experience levels showed 51 exhibits.

There were also three non-competitive exhibitors showing three additional exhibits.

Robert Rhue received the Howland Wood Memorial Award for best-in-show for his exhibit, “The Colored Seal Notes of Colonial Georgia.”

The Radford Stearns Memorial Award for excellence in exhibiting—presented to the first- and second runners-up—was awarded, respectively, to Carlos Paiz for “Rarities from the Guatemala Colonial G and NG Mints 1733- 1821” and to Michael Shutterly for “Remember the Ladies: The Empresses of Rome’s Severan Dynasty, 193-235.”

The Thos. H. Law Award for the best exhibit by a first-time exhibitor also went to Paiz for his “Guatemala Colonial” exhibit. Paiz also received the Ira & Larry Goldberg Award for the best exhibit of “coins that made history.”

Shutterly also received the Women in Numismatics award for his “Remember the Ladies” exhibit. He further received the Derek Pobjoy Award for best exhibit of modern circulating commemorative coins for his exhibit “Coins and Conflict.”

The Rodger E. Hershey Memorial People’s Choice Award, selected by convention attendees, was won by Jeff Rosinia for “Rush to the Rockies: The Golden Growth of the Denver Mint.”

Steven J. D’Ippolito received the Joseph E. Boling Award for Judging Excellence.

2017 Class Exhibit Awards

Class 1: U.S. Coins, Lelan G. Rogers Memorial. All U.S. coins and patterns and all coinage or trade tokens used in pre-Federal America, except gold.

  • First place: Carl Waltz, Jr., for “Matte Proof Lincoln Cents 1909 to 1916”
  • Second place: Philip Vitale, for “Old Silver—The US’ First Silver Dollar Designs”
  • Third place: no entry

Class 2: U.S. Fiscal Paper, Sidney W. Smith/William Donlon Memorial. All paper money and bonds issued by the U.S. government, including military currency; pre-U.S. colonial, Continental, and Confederate paper money and bonds; state and private bank notes and bonds; scrip; college currency; and stock certificates. Essays, proofs, and souvenir cards of such items may also be shown.

  • First place: Michael McNeil, for “The Women Who Signed Confederate Treasury Notes”
  • Second place: Nancy Wilson, for “Battleship Note”
  • Third place: Max Hensley, for “Numismatics, Meet Scripophily”

Class 3: Medals, Orders, Decorations, and Badges; Burton Saxton/George Bauer Memorial. Medallic items not used as a medium of exchange, or not having trade value. Orders and decorations, convention badges, and badges issued by fraternal orders or other organizations. Excluded are Masonic pennies and tokens included in classes 5-8.

  • First place: Thomas J. Uram, for “The Society of Medallists”
  • Second place: Robert Rhue, for “The Official 1959 Hawaii Statehood Medal Set In Gold, Silver, and Copper, with Five Piece Progression / Process Set”
  • Third place: Peter Smith, for “Worthy Coin Anniversary Medal”

Class 4: Modern U.S. Coins and Modern Medals, John R. Eshbach Memorial. Coins and medallic (non-denominated) material issued 1960 and later, including philatelic numismatic covers.

  • First place: Simcha Laib Kuritzky, for “A Type Set of Gold Dutch-Israeli Fantasy Coins”
  • Second place: John Wilson, for “ANA 125th Anniversary Medal”
  • Third place: Eric Holcomb, for “Great American Eclipse: August 21, 2017”

Class 5: Tokens, B.P. Wright Memorial. Items, including encased postage, issued as a medium of exchange for goods and services or for advertising purposes, but excluding American colonial items included in class 1. Includes Masonic pennies and substances used in lieu of metal.

  • First place: Gawain O’Connor, for “Tim, Redbacks, and the Third Degree Knicker Pie Eater’s Club”
  • Second place: Mark Wieclaw, for “The Russian ‘Beard’ Tax Tokens of 1705”
  • Third place: Phil Iversen, for “Bingle Tokens”

Class 6: Casino Chips and Gaming Tokens, Archie A. Black Award. Items of all types and materials used as gaming pieces, including traditional and non-traditional tokens and other money substitutes, and including tokens used in military clubs.

  • First place: Tony Kreusch, for “Rodeo Chips”
  • Second place: no entry
  • Third place: no entry

Class 7: Engraved Coins, Love Token Society Award. Numismatic items that have been converted into jewelry, amulets, or decorative objects. Examples are love tokens, hobo nickels, and “pop-out” coins.

  • First place: Simcha Laib Kuritzky, for “Engraved Coins of the ‘Three Abrahamic Faiths’”
  • Second place: Judy Schwan, for “The Baghdad Shilling”
  • Third place: no entry

Class 8: Elongated Coins, Dottie Dow Memorial. Souvenirs created using an elongating machine, whether the underlying piece is a coin, token, medal, or blank planchet.

  • First place: Terri Ventresca, for “TV Shows Memories: An Elongated Coin Series by Don Adams”
  • Second place: Cindy Z. Calhoun, for “Square and Compass”
  • Third place: Tyler Tyson, for “True Elongated Half Dollars”

Class 9: Coins Issued Prior to 1500 A.D., Dr. Charles W. Crowe Memorial. Coins, including gold, issued by any government before 1500 A.D.

  • First place: Michael Shutterly, for “Remember the Ladies: The Empresses of Rome’s Severan Dynasty, 193-235.”
  • Second place: no entry
  • Third place: no entry

Class 10: Regional U.S. Numismatics, William C. Henderson/Fred Cihon Memorial. Numismatic material of any type specific to a particular region of the U.S., such as the locale where the exhibit is being presented.

  • First place: Robert Rhue, for “The Colored Seal Notes of Colonial Georgia”
  • Second place: Terry L. Carver, for “The Badge Presented by General William Jackson Palmer to Veterans of the 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry at their 35th Annual Reunion”
  • Third place: Christopher Marchase, for “A Collection of Items from the Cripple Creek District, Colorado, c.1890-1915”

Class 11: Numismatics of the Americas, Henry Christensen/John Jay Pittman Sr. Memorial. Numismatic material of any type issued or used in the Western Hemisphere outside the U.S.

  • First place: Carlos Paiz, for “Rarities from the Guatemala Colonial G and NG Mints 1733-1821”
  • Second place: no entry
  • Third place: no entry

Class 12: Numismatics of Europe, John S. Davenport Memorial. Numismatic material of any type issued or used in Europe, including Russia east to the Urals.

  • First place: Michael Shutterly, for “Boris Godunov: One Opera, Many Stories”
  • Second place: Mark Wieclaw, for “Irish ‘Gun’ Money 1689-1690 (A Complete Type Set)”
  • Third place: Roderick T. Frechette, for “Sing a Song of Six Pence”

Class 13: Numismatics of Africa and the Middle East, Menachem Chaim and Simcha Tova Mizel Memorial. Numismatic material of any type issued or used on the continent of Africa and in the Middle East (from Turkey east through Iran and south to Aden).

  • First place: Simcha Laib Kuritzky, “Boy for Sale? Middle Eastern Ingots for the Redemption of the Firstborn Son”
  • Second place: no entry
  • Third place: no entry

Class 14: Numismatics of Asia and the Pacific, William B. Warden Jr. Memorial. All numismatic material issued or used in Asia east of the Urals and Iran, and in the Southeast Asian, Australasian, and Pacific islands (excluding Hawaii under the U.S.).

  • First place: Sunil Richardson, for “‘Octopus-Men’ Coins—The incredible durability of these designs on coins for over 5 centuries”
  • Second place: Gerald Grzenda, for “The Coinage of Hong Kong”
  • Third place: no entry

Class 15: Gold Coins, Gaston DiBello/Melvin, and Leona Kohl Memorial. Gold coins of any provenance and era.

  • First place: Simcha Laib Kuritzky, for “Israel’s Two-Decade Long Road to Standardized Gold Coinage”
  • Second place: Kevin Dailey, for “Gold Coins of the Mint’s Golden Girl”
  • Third place: no entry

Class 16: Numismatic Errors and Error Varieties, Numismatic Error Collectors Award. Any numismatic material mis-struck or misprinted by the producer, including varieties caused by die or plate deterioration or damage. Items mutilated or altered after production are excluded.

  • No exhibits entered in this class

Class 17: Numismatic Literature, Aaron Feldman Memorial. Printed and manuscript (published or unpublished) literature dealing with any numismatic subject.

  • First place: not awarded
  • Second place: Darryl Anthony Gomez, for “Debut of the President of the United States special Government medal Series”
  • Third place: no entry

Class 18: General, Specialized, and Topical, Robert Hendershott Memorial. Numismatic material not covered in other classes or covered by more than one class. Includes wooden money, political buttons and insignia, and other exonumia, as well as media of exchange used in carrying out purchases and business transactions by primitive people and later by others as they progressed from barter to coins, or other items generally accepted as primitive or odd and curious currencies. Also includes exhibits showing material linked by design, such as elephants or bridges, or by theme, such as a world’s fair.

  • First place: David Feely, for “Around the World of WWII Short Snorters”
  • Second place: Michael Shutterly, for “On the Wings of Myth: Pegasus and His Story”
  • Third place: Marilyn Reback, for “Saint-Michel in Peril of the Sea”

Class 19: Convention Theme, Clifford Mishler Award. Numismatic items of any type that, together with the exhibit text, illustrate the announced theme for the convention at which the exhibit is shown. The 2017 convention theme was “Rush to the Rockies.”

  • First place: Scott Safe, for “A Trio of Colorful Colorado Centennial Celebrations”
  • Second place: Phil Iversen, for “Denver Mint Early Years”
  • Third place: Terry L. Carver, for “A Collection of National Commemorative Medals Issued for The Pony Express Centennial”

Class 20: U.S. Commemorative Coinage, Society for U.S. Commemorative Coins Award. Material of any type or period related to United States commemorative coinage and to the events being commemorated.

  • First place: V. Kurt Bellman, for “The California Pacific International Exposition of 1935 & 1936”
  • Second place: no entry
  • Third place: no entry

Class 21: Emeritus, Barry Stuppler Award. Exhibits by individuals not otherwise eligible to exhibit competitively, or exhibits that have won best-of-show or twice won in class competition at the World’s Fair of Money. Any other exhibit may also be entered at the exhibitor’s option. The winner of this class does not advance to best-of-show judging.

  • No exhibits entered in this class

There were also no exhibits entered in the 2017 Young Numismatist exhibit awards.

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