An eight-year-old Richmond Hill girl, Joelle Wong, is among the Canadians whose designs have been selected for the Canada 150 circulating coins coming out next year. Wong’s design, which will appear on the 25-cent coin, is called Hope, and shows a bird, turtle, and beaver with a plant stem and pair of hands. “I love animals and green spaces and that gave me the idea of showing my hope for Canada’s future in a painting that celebrates the importance of our nature and native Canadian culture,” said Wong. “It’s amazing that so many Canadians liked my way of wishing a happy birthday to my beautiful homeland — Canada!” Continue reading →

Five consecutive press conferences were held across Canada on Nov. 2 when the Royal Canadian Mint announced the winning designs of the Canada 150 circulating coins. Here, St. Catharines Mayor Walter Sendzik joins Wesley Klassen whose design will appear on the 150th anniversary one-dollar coin. The unveiling took place at the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre in St. Catharines. Photo by Rachel Lieske.