The world’s most famous superhero, Superman was created by Toronto-born artist Joseph Shuster and writer Jerry Siegel. Shuster, who moved from Toronto and attended high school in Cleveland, Ohio, modelled Superman’s city, Metropolis, after Toronto, and the Daily Planet after the Daily Star. The two created the character in 1933, and sold it to DC Comics, who debuted Superman in 1938. Continue reading →
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Take your hobby on the road
As busy as this seems, it continues to amaze me that many collectors, possibly most, almost never get out to shows. That happens for a number of reasons. Obviously, many collectors outside of central Canada simply do not have access to as many shows. Another reason is that many collectors practice their hobby in private, when they can find time to be alone with their coins. In many cases the only people who know they collect are family members, a few close friends, and a couple of dealers.
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