The Waterloo Coin Society (WCS) hosted its latest promotional day, its first since the pandemic began in March 2020, at the Kitchener Market on Oct. 1.
“It was a lot of fun to talk to kids, families and other members of the public to let them know that if they are interested in numismatics, the Waterloo Coin Society is a wonderful local resource for them,” said President Tony Verbruggen, who thanked club members Doug Hamilton, Ed Anderson, Sean Sinclair and Brent Mackie for their “enthusiastic participation. Hobby-related clubs such as ours function best when people step forward to do a little extra to keep the club working, and it isn’t just our promo events.”
WCS members staffed a table while displaying numismatic material and promotional cards to “not only to promote our club but also numismatics in general. Though a great deal of effort is put into our online presence, which has been very successful in attracting new members, not everyone is as connected on the internet as one would think.”
WCS officials hope to host more promotional events throughout the year at the nearby Conestoga Mall and Cambridge Centre, “and we welcome your ideas and suggestions for similar locations.”