But Internet has its advantages in a large country like Canada The auction scene has had a change of face in recent years, with many auction houses using new technology to modernize their bidding systems and bring the bidding floor directly to their customers, wherever they may be. While many of Canada’s most prominent auction houses offer a variety of ways to enter bids – whether by phone, mail, fax, online or in person – most of the action has moved online, said Marc Verret, owner and auctioneer with the Canadian Numismatic Company, in Quebec. Continue reading →
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Show for error enthusiasts will have plenty to offer
Page 1
Plenty to learn at this year’s RCNA Convention
Page 1
Th..Th...Th...That’s (nearly) all, folks!
Page 6
RCMP says use major credit card, report counterfeits directly
Page 7
Colonial tokens bible gets significant updates
Page 15
George V design came from the land Down Under
Page 24
Collector finally finds his treasures on the bourse floor
Page 27
First Pogue sale realizes more than $25 million
Page 32
2016 ONA Convention Medal Contest
Page 33

Focus on Canadian paper money
Page 10

Are you buying or selling?
Page 30

Check out the shows in your area
Page 33
Third-party grade not the end of the story
I’d like to talk about the lost art of grading coins. Way back in the dark ages of 1990, third-party grading was not all that well accepted. The term slab, used for a coin holder, had a negative connotation. Many collectors still wanted to be able to hold their coins, and they also liked to form their own opinions of a coin’s grade.

Notes & Bills
Strange demoninations grace 19th-century currency
Page 8

Colonial Tokens
Token has Irish and Loyalist links
Page 16

Errors & Varieties
Die placement not so straightforward
Page 20

The World of Money
Belleville was home to several early numismatists
Page 22

New Issues
Penny Black stamp on coin
Page 26

Numismatic Profile
Columnist has spent a lifetime investigating the unusual
Page 28
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