The Champlain Coin Club (CCC), based in Orillia, Ont., is inviting its members to submit medal designs to mark the group’s 60th anniversary in 2022.
“We are planning a medallion for our club’s 60th anniversary in 2022 using the 2017 design as the obverse die and getting members to submit design for a reverse design to commemorate our 60th anniversary,” wrote CCC Secretary-Treasurer Doug McGarvey in the June issue of the Champlain Coin Club Bulletin, the group’s monthly newsletter.
The club, which marked its 58th anniversary this June, has a long history of issuing commemorative medals and tokens for various milestones, including for its 50th anniversary in 2012 and its 25th in 1987. In 2017, the CCC also marked Canada’s sesquicentennial with a medal featuring the club’s namesake Samuel de Champlain.
These commemorative medals are a boon to the hobby, according to late numismatist and former president of the Nipissing Coin Club Bill Caesar, of North Bay. Ont.
“We’re collectors, and it is our duty to not only collect coins but also to pass along our interest and enthusiasm to others,” Caesar is quoted as saying in a 2016 CCN commentary (CCN Vol. 54# 17, “Collectors, clubs should consider commemorative issue for 2017”).
“We should all be issuing something numismatic as well … a coin, token or medal.”