Nature’s creatures abundant on new issues

The Royal Canadian Mint’s September catalogue includes the corporation’s second barn owl coin. The new coin, the 12th in the Birds of Canada series, is a coloured 25-cent piece showing a bird in full flight in a rural setting. Designed by Trevor Tennant, the coin is struck on cupro-nickel blanks, with a diameter of 35... Continue reading →

Mackennal, Ironside came from different eras of design

Coin designs often have to pass through the hands of bureaucrats and study groups before getting into production, a process that’s not conducive to artistic risks. Modern coin designers have great talent, but I suspect much less artistic freedom than many would like to have. Just once I would like to hear someone tell me... Continue reading →

ANA showgoers were offered special Canadian UNC set

Once again, the Royal Canadian Mint offered a special Uncirculated set at the American Numismatic Association (ANA) summer show and convention, held last month in Chicago. The set, which is similar to those issued in previous years, has a cardboard holder showing a canoe with places for the five-, 10-, and 25-cent coins, as well... Continue reading →

Take your hobby on the road

As busy as this seems, it continues to amaze me that many collectors, possibly most, almost never get out to shows. That happens for a number of reasons. Obviously, many collectors outside of central Canada simply do not have access to as many shows. Another reason is that many collectors practice their hobby in private,... Continue reading →

Man of steel receives tributes in silver, gold and cupro-nickel

The world’s most famous superhero, Superman was created by Toronto-born artist Joseph Shuster and writer Jerry Siegel. Shuster, who moved from Toronto and attended high school in Cleveland, Ohio, modelled Superman’s city, Metropolis, after Toronto, and the Daily Planet after the Daily Star. The two created the character in 1933, and sold it to DC... Continue reading →

Loss of a numismatic great

When it became clear the Charlton catalogues were not included in the sale of the company, the sale came to a screeching halt,” Cross said. “Forbes went to Jim and Jim signed over the copyrights to Canada Coin and Stamp to Forbes in order that the sale could go through. “He signed over the catalogue... Continue reading →

Is MintChip the flavour of the future?

Electronic transactions are becoming more and more common. It isn’t even unusual now to encounter situations where cash is not an option. I am sure that 100 years from now, carrying cash will seem as logical as walking around with gold nuggets in your pocket. What really worries me is that we may have to... Continue reading →

Cent barely missed, but 25 cents can keep hobby thriving

In my opinion the most promising way to attract new collectors is with the 25-cent series. Granted, the wonderful pure nickel commemoratives of 1992, 2000, and 2001 have already been mostly gobbled up by the Mint’s alloy-recovery program, but the multi-plated family has more than 40 commemorative issues alone, some are in colour, and that’s... Continue reading →

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