Waychison recognized by ANA at opening ceremonies

William Waychison, right, receives the ANA Presidential Award from President Walter Ostromecki, left, at the recent World’s Fair of Money in Chicago. They are surrounded by members of the Canadian numismatic community, including, back from left: Clifford Miesher, France Waychison, Brett Irick, Bill Cross, Dan Gosling and Paul Johnson.
A former past president of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association (RCNA) has received singular recognition by the American Numismatic Association (ANA). A “shocked” William Waychison stood in disbelief on the podium when ANA president Walter Ostromecki made the announcement during the opening ceremonies of the recent World’s Fair of Money in Chicago. Waychison, the immediate... Continue reading →
Canadian circulation coins have come a long way in 25 years
I don’t think I’d be going out on a limb if I said that most of today’s collectors started out with pocket change. I have told before the story about how I went through the family penny jar, or in our case a tube that originally contained some sort of rye, sorting out coins and... Continue reading →
Alloy recovery program keeps Canadians’ pocket change fresh
Thanks to a little-known program operated by the Royal Canadian Mint, Canadians may have the newest coins in their pockets at any time since Confederation. Called the alloy recovery program, it is system where older-composition coins are culled out of circulation and replaced with new versions. The old coins are mutilated and then melted for... Continue reading →
Post offices offer an opportunity
On the surface, the term sell-out seems somewhat unambiguous. I mean either you have something or you sold it all, right. Well yes and no. The Royal Canadian Mint retails coins to collectors and wholesales them to dealers and distributors around the world. That means every time a coin is planned, the mintage is sort... Continue reading →
Superman clears the shelves faster than a speeding bullet
The Royal Canadian Mint’s (RCM) new Superman coins turned into super sellers, with the four coins selling out in just days. The coins were unveiled on Aug. 29, at Fan Expo Canada in Toronto by Peter Van Loan, leader of the government in the House of Commons, and Patrick Hadsipantelis, vice-president of marketing and communications... Continue reading →