After a spurt of counterfeit gold bars came on the market this fall, some dealers are calling for the Canadian Association of Numismatic Dealers (CAND) to implement a warning system for its members. Organized in 1975, CAND is a non-profit association of about 50 professional numismatists. This September, three of its members were duped into buying fake gold. Willard Burton, co-owner of Brampton’s B & W Coins and Tokens, said he and two other Ontario-based numismatic dealers were recently “tricked into buying counterfeit” bullion. “Here in Brampton, in the past three weeks, we’ve bought three gold pieces,” Burton said in September. “I brought them down and had them assayed by Guardian Gold, and they were all fake.” Continue reading →
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Numismatic research possibilities are endless
nization founded in 1979 to support and promote the use and collecting of numismatic literature which includes books, periodicals, catalogues and other written or printed material relating to coins, medals, tokens, or paper money, ancient or modern, Canada or worldwide. In one issue, not so long ago, I read with interest a number of comments from readers about what’s left to research in numismatics. One fellow was looking for ideas for a research project but had hit a brick wall since his opinion was everything had been done as far as numismatic research in the U.S. was concerned. Readers jumped on this and began listing all of the topics had not been researched or written about in any great depth.

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