OTD: Brock dies in Battle of Queenston Heights

On today’s date in 1812, Major-General Sir Isaac Brock died defending Queenston Heights against an invading army of 1,200 U.S. troops and militia.

Known as “The Hero of Upper Canada” for his role in the Battle of Queenston Heights and the War of 1812, Brock has been honoured with commemorative coins struck by various mints around the world, including the Royal Canadian Mint.


In 2012, the Mint struck a series of coins to mark the bicentenary of the War of 1812.

Brock was honoured as the first hero in a “four-hero” series of Fine silver coins that also featured Laura Secord; Charles de Salaberry; and Tecumseh.

Designed by Bonnie Ross, the Brock coin features a portrait of the iconic war hero alongside an intricate background comprised of the words “The War of 1812” in both English and French. Ross used various image sources of Brock to design the ideal image.

Also featured in the design is the engraved and painted Government of Canada War of 1812 logo: it’s composed of stylistic 1812 typography encompassed by a stylized maple leaf with ecru swords crossing behind it.

This coin has a $4 face value, a weight of 7.96 grams, a 27-millimetre diameter and a mintage of 10,000 pieces.

The Mint also commemorated Brock on a Fine gold coin based on an 1816 half-penny token that also commemorated Brock.

The Mint also commemorated Brock on a Fine gold coin, the design of which is based on a half-penny token issued in 1816.


Also in 2012, the Mint commemorated Brock on a Fine gold coin with a design based on a half-penny token struck in 1816 to honour the dead war hero.

The original image includes two cherubs placing a memorial wreath upon an urn whose monument commemorates the date of Brock’s demise, “OBITUS/13 OCT/1812. The traditional imagery of the wreath, urn and monument signifies “death with honour.”

Two hundred beads were struck around the coin to represent the bicentennial of Sir Isaac Brock’s demise. Raised text reflects the wording of the original, “THE HERO OF UPPER CANADA/SIR ISAAC BROCK,” and is repeated in French: “LE HÉROS DU HAUT-CANADA.”

This coin has a mintage of 1,000 pieces, a weight of 35 grams and a 34-millimetre diameter.


That same year, the Mint commemorated the Battle of Queenston Heights with a Fine silver one-kilogram coin.

The coin depicts details from John David Kelly’s renowned 1896 painting, Battle of Queenston Heights, 13 October 1812.

The Battle of Queenston Heights, where Brock was killed, was also commemorated on this Fine silver one-kilo coin.

The Battle of Queenston Heights, at which Brock was killed, is also commemorated on a Fine silver one-kilogram coin.

The famous artwork is one of the most highly recognized portrayals of the War of 1812 and of the Battle of Queenston Heights. In the foreground, Major General Isaac Brock lies dying as his soldiers struggle in vain to move him to safety. Behind him, British troops, Canadian militia, and First Nations warriors rush headlong into battle with the oncoming Americans, the fires and smoke of battle and rolling highlands of the region visible in the distance.

The image is striking for its symbolic portrayal of British troops, Canadian militiamen, and First Nations warriors fighting together to fend off a U.S. invasion.

Encircling the inner field is a polished silver border engraved with the word “CANADA,” the bilingual text “THE BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS/LA BATTAILLE DES HAUTEURS DE QUEENSTON” and the dates “1812-2012.”

This coin has a weight of 1,000 grams, a 102.1-millimetre diameter and a $250 face value.

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